Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19 Issue

Sean Michael Andrews'

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Win My New DVD
Keeping Them Tranced
Tough Guy Hypnosis
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course

Street Hypnosis Safety

Under-age Subjects

This subject came up in a recent class. A student asked about hypnotizing teens and children. Youngsters make wonderful subjects and they really enjoy the hypnotic experience. They can be very animated and entertaining subjects, but the hypnotist needs to be careful here. Always get a parent's permission before hypnotizing a minor. Although hypnotizing a minor is not a crime, this could be a really ugly situation if the parents object to the child being hypnotized. You don't need a signed form, just a nod from Mom or Dad will do. Kids will beg you to hypnotize them, but always ask for parental consent. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Win a Cool Prize Worth $109.95

Our regular readers are aware that I often award a prize to readers for forwarding the newsletter to other hypnotists and interested persons. This issue I have a special prize. If you forward this newsletter to at least three people you will be eligible to win an advance copy of my Instant and Rapid Induction DVD, a two-DVD set valued at $109.95!!! This video is still in post production and is not available for sale yet, but one lucky reader will win the advance copy. Just forward the newsletter to at least three people and the software will automatically register you. The "forward email" link is below. Good luck!!!

Issue: # 13
19 March 2008

We're spreading the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and passing along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 24 countries!
Keeping A Subject in Hypnosis - The Secret

How Did He Do That?
Some readers and youtube viewers have asked how I got the subject in my last featured video to stay in hypnosis for so long since I was not talking to her. As you know, left on her own, a subject will eventually emerge from hypnosis all by herself. Here's the secret. Simply tell her "With each exhale you go deeper into hypnosis and with each exhale, count silently backwards from one hundred, one number with each exhale." That will keep her busy and in trance at least until she reaches the number one. Also, No, she wasn't really there for three days. That was a joke. :-)

Featured Video

This was an Interesting One!
We were in Hermosa Beach, CA doing street hypnosis. One of the group, Kurt, was working the crowd to find hypnotic subjects for us. Kurt said to me, "I have a good one for you over here." I followed Kurt around the crowd and came upon This Guy... Maybe it was all the tattoos, or maybe it was the fact that he was at least a foot taller than me. But I decided to pull out the big guns. I did a Gil Boyne-style arm-pull induction and he dropped like a rock. Thanks, Gil! Here's a link to the video.

Sean's Upcoming Hypnosis Classes!

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
-May 3-4 - Ocean City, MD
Cost $495
Click HERE for details

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
Date TBD
Click HERE for details.

Two-Day Hypnosis Best Practices Seminar
-June 14-15 Hampton Inn, Stamford, CT
-October 25-26 Hampton inn, Tampa, FL
Cost $495
Click HERE for details.
"Sean has an infectious, positive energy that makes for an excellent learning experience."

-John Filiss, (C.H. Florida)

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews

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