Sunday, January 20, 2008

Here are some Instant Hypnosis Newsletters

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Register Now
Newsletter Archive
Weekend Hypnosis Course
Instant Induction Course



Reader Question: "I did an instant inductions on my friend and when I told her that her eyes were locked shut, she opened them. What happened?"
Sean's Answer: Probably one of three things was missing.
You didn't keep talking after you triggered the induction.
You didn't sufficiently deepen the subject.
Your wording of the eye lock challenge allowed her to open his eyes. Remember to challenge her to TRY to open her eyes. "Try" implies failure.

Train With Sean

Find out more!
Issue: # 1

This is the first newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting endeavor and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Is She in Trance?

Signs of Hypnosis
According to Dave Elman the following physical indicators may be present in a subject who is in hypnosis:
Body warmth
Fluttering of the eyelids
Increased lacrimation (eyes watering)
Reddening of the eyes
Eyeballs going up into the head
In addition, these signs may be observed
Eyes tracking left and right beneath the eyelids
Increased swallowing
Deep "hypnotic" sigh

Street Hypnosis Safety

Don't Hurt Your Subjects
While the arm pull induction is very effective, you need to be careful when using it. If your subject has an arm or shoulder problem, you could aggravate a pre-existing injury. I recommend that you ask your subject if she suffers from any arm or shoulder problems before doing the induction. "I'm going to shake your hand down... You don't have any tennis elbow or shoulder problems, do you?" If she says "Yes" you'll have to do another induction like a finger snap or a hand drop which will be easier on the arm.

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to


Sean Michael (Coming Soon) (Coming Soon)

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Upcoming Instant Hypnosis Classes
Congratulations New Street Hypnostists!

Register Now
Newsletter Archive
Weekend Hypnosis Course
Instant Induction Course



Reader Question: "I hypnotized some people at a party, but when I try it with my brother, it doesn't work and I can't figure out why. Any suggestions?"
Sean's Answer: Family members are often the worst subjects. Close friends can be difficult too. Most people think that hypnosis is very difficult to learn and so they won't believe you can put them into trance. No confidence in your ability means zero chance of success. Once your friends and family see you hypnotize others, they'll let you hypnotize them.


Find out more!
Issue: # 2

This is the November newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

What's the Best "Rapid" vs. "Instant" Induction?
Elman "Three-Minute Routine"The most effective rapid induction is the Elman. This routine will produce trance very quickly and is useful for parties and street hypnosis. It starts out with eye catelepsy, then fractionation and a check for physical relaxation. Then comes amnesia for numbers and voila! Hypnosis! Here's a film example of the Elman. If you'd like the script, go here and sign up for the free hypnosis group. The script is in the files section.

Street Hypnosis Safety

Don't Hurt Your Subjects
Back in the "good old days", hypnotists would entertain the crowd by showing how a subject could be made insensitive to pain. One of the more popular demonstrations involved holding a lighted match or lighter under the subjects hand to show that the subject would not react to the heat. NEVER DO THIS!!! Although the subject may not react to the flame, she WILL burn! Anything that would harm a non-hypnotized person will also harm a hypnotized person. She just won't be aware of it until after she emerges. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!

Upcoming Instant Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

25 November - Washington DC
8 December - New York, NY
12 January - Tampa, FL
Click HERE for details.

Congratulations New Street Hypnotists!

October Class
The Instant Induction class was held in Ocean City Maryland on 20 October, 2007. Eight brand new street hypnotists were turned loose on the world! After the class we retired to the Boardwalk for some hypnotic fun outside and then inside "Out of the Blue", a popular restauant and bar on the boardwalk. For video snippets of the class, click here. Congratulations to Matt, Ian, Sean, Isaac, Stuart, Larry, Katie and Rachel!

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Ask Sean
The Best Rapid Induction?
Upcoming Instant Hypnosis Classes
Great American Smoke Out

Register Now
Newsletter Archive
Weekend Hypnosis Course
Instant Induction Course



Reader Question: "With the arm pull induction, is there some sort of 'pre-talk' that I could use for people who haven't been hypnotized before with any technique, and don't know anything about hypnosis? Any chance you could shed light on this, Sean?"

Sean's Answer: With the arm pull induction, just explain to the subject what you want her to do. Tell her, "In a moment I am going to ask for your hand. I will shake your hand down. When I do, your eyes close down, your head drops forward and you go into a pleasant, deep hypnotic slumber. And it feels really great! Does that sound good to your?" She will say, "Yes." Then do the induction. It will work great!


Find out more!
Issue: # 3
12 November/2007

This is the Mid-November newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

What's the Best Street Induction?

The "Arm Pull" InductionOne of the most effective "super rapid" inductions is the arm pull. It is flashy, effective and very quick. It can be gentle or it can be done in a manner that "looks" very dramatic, so it is very flexible. It can also be done as an "instant" induction. This is one of the inductions taught in the one-day Instant Induction class.

Street Hypnosis Safety

Don't Hurt Your Subjects
Insensitvity to pain...a staple of old hypnosis demonstrations used to be to get the subject into somnambulism, suggest anesthesia, and then run a hat pin through the subject's arm. Fun, huh? I thought this old trick had been put to rest, but then I found this video from a Russian TV show. After having her arm pierced with a lancet, the woman walks around the audience saying "Look! It doesn't hurt at all!!" Yes, Sean does speak Russian. The induction was edited out of this clip, and I believe he suggested that the wound would not bleed. Yes, you can do this. Interesting, but NEVER DO THIS!!! . Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!

Upcoming Instant Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

24 November - Washington DC (Dulles Holiday Inn)
8 December - New York, NY (JFK Holiday Inn)
12 January - Tampa, FL
Click HERE for details.

A Fun Act for the Great American Smoke Out

Cigarettes - Burning Rubber
Here's a fun suggestion to give a smoker. Obtain deep trance and say "When I snap my fingers, your cigarette will taste like burning rubber! When I snap them again, it tastes fine." This is an old stage trick but it works VERY well. If you want to have even more fun with this, suggest amnesia so that the smoker won't know why the cigarette tastes bad.

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Ask Sean
Deepening - Head Rotation
Upcoming Instant Hypnosis Classes
Fun Stuff to Do

Register Now
Newsletter Archive
Weekend Hypnosis Course
Instant Induction Course



Reader Question: "I hypnotized a woman in a bar and told her that she would be unable to pick up her glass, but she picked up the glass.. Any idea why this post hypnotic suggestion failed?"

Sean's Answer: Probably there was a slight problem with the wording. Next time tell her that she will find that her glass is fused to the table and that the harder she TRIES to pick up the glass, the more it sticks to the bar. Two things are at work here. First, the word "try" implies difficutly or failure. Second, you have given her a double bind when you said that the harder she tries to do this, the more impossible it becomes. Do this and see how much better it works.


Find out more!

Special thanks to HypnoticBLAZE
Super comedic hypnotist and self-confessed copywriter/guru BLAZE suggested several things which improved this newsletter. Thanks, BLAZE!
Issue: # 4
18 November/2007

This is the Mid-November newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Rotating the Subject's Head

Why do the Head Rotation?
In many of my videos, you notice that just after the instant induction I begin to rotate the subject's head. The reason for this is, there are three semicircular canals in the inner ear, and the fluid in these canals lets you know if you are upright or tilting. Without these canals you would not be able to keep your balance. When I rotate a subject's head, this messes up the balance mechanism and helps the subject to go deeper into trance. Don't do this too much. About half a dozen rotations is fine.

Street Hypnosis Safety

The Neck Pull
The neck pull. Many prominent hypnotists use this technique, but it can harm a subject. If the subject has a preexisting neck injury, this would NOT be a good technique to use. I presume that the hypnotist in this video checked ahead of time before using this maneuver, but I post this as an example of what NOT to do if you are not certain of any problems with your subject. NEVER DO THIS!!! . Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!

Upcoming Instant Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

24 November - Washington DC (Dulles Holiday Inn)
8 December - New York, NY (JFK Holiday Inn)
12 January - Tampa, FL
Click HERE for details.

Fun Things to Do Once They're in Trance

Stuck to Something
Here's a fun suggestion. You need a pretty good candidate for this one. Take her hand and press it onto a light pole or park bench, trash can, or whatever is handy. Say, "I'm going to count to three. With each number I say, feel your hand sticking to the pole. One... feel your hand sticking to the pole as if it was superglued there. Two... It's as if your hand was welded to the pole. And three... it's as if your hand and the pole were one single piece. In fact if you were to TRY to pull your hand off, it would stick even tighter. The harder you try to pull it off the tighter it sticks. TRY to pull it off and find that you can't!" For more fun, have her take her free hand and TRY to pull the other hand off. This is a very effective demonstration. The most important word in this is "TRY", which implies failure.

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon

Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Ask Sean
Testing for Depth
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Fun Stuff to Do

Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course



Reader's Question: "I hypnotized a friend at a party and told her that she would cluck like a chicken. She didn't do what I told her to do. Can you tell me how I can make this work?"

Sean's Answer:
For the record, I have never asked a subject to cluck like a chicken, bark like a dog or anything like that. I've even had subjects request that I do this with them! This is OLD stuff and if you think about it, it's not very entertaining. In extreme street hypnosis we emphasize lightning-fast inductions and respectful, yet extremely entertaining demonstrations. The reason why your friend didn't "cluck" is because she didn't like the suggestion. A subject in hypnosis always has the ability to refuse a suggestion that she doesn't like. If you make the suggestion appealing to the subject, she'll accept the suggestion. She just didn't think your suggestion would be good for her so she rejected it. That's what happened.

Street Hypnosis Safety

Prepare to Catch

Whenever you do a stand-up super-rapid induction, be prepared to catch your subject. Some people go into hypnosis so deeply that their knees may buckle and they can drop to the ground. Prepare yourself for this, and catch the subject under the arm pits and immediately say "Steel in your legs! Your legs are strong!" The subject will then stand safely. From this point, you can continue your induction. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!


Find out more!
Issue: # 5
3 December/2007

This is the early December newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Testing for Depth

Eye Lock
One of the first tests for depth of trance is the eye lock. This has two important uses. First, it is a good way for the hypnotist to see if the subject is in trance. Secondly, when the subject tries to open her eyes and finds that they won't open, she becomes convinced that she is in trance and will then go even deeper into hypnosis.

Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

8 December - New York, NY (JFK Holiday Inn)
12 January - Tampa, FL
Cost $249
Click HERE for details.
Two-day Intro to Hypnosis Class
8-9 March - Pasadena, MD
Cost $495
Click HERE for details

Seven-Day NGH Hypnosis Certification Course
8-14 March - Pasadena, MD
Cost $1895
Click HERE for details

Fun Things to Do Once They're in Trance

Forget Your Name
Here's a fun thing to do with a good candidate. Take her hand and say, "I am writing your name on the back of your hand. In a moment, I will rub it off and your name will be erased from your mind ." Rub her hand a couple of times as if erasing the name. "And you now find that your name has been completely erased from your mind. In fact if you were to try to speak your name, you would not be able to do it. TRY to speak your name and find that you can't." The most important word in this is "TRY", which implies failure. For extra credit you can then give her a new name and have her say it a couple of times.

Website of Interest
Here's an interesting website. is a website run by hypnotist Ralph Benko. "The world of hypnosis is full of fascinating possibilities. But lots of hype. A few genius hypnotists, many capable practitioners, but there's some charlatans out there too." Ralph's site includes a "hall of fame" celebrating current masters of hypnosis and links to hypnosis research. He also has a newsletter. Check it out!

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon

Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Ask Sean
Testing for Depth
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Fun Stuff to Do

Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course



Reader's Question:
Are handshake inductions real? How do they work?

Sean's Answer:
There are two popular versions of the handshake induction. One is a shock induction where you jerk the subject's arm and then shout the command, "Sleep!" The second type is the handshake interrupt in which you start a handshake and then redirect the subject's attention. Then you deepen the trance state that the interruption has caused and the subject drops into hypnosis. Both of these inductions work very well and yes, they ARE real.

Street Hypnosis Safety

The Abreaction

Occasionally a subject will display what is known as an abreaction. This is when bottled-up emotions will surface and cause the subject to cry, laugh hysterically, or in some other way show strong emotion. This is very easy to control, but you need to be watching your subjects and catch this as soon as it starts. Otherwise it may cause a scene. Simply say to your subject in a calm, clear voice, "The scene fades and you tend to your breathing." Continue saying this until the episode passes. Then emerge the subject. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Issue: # 6
13 December/2007

This is the mid-December newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Testing for Depth

Arm Stiff and Rigid
After testing for eye lock, the next test is to suggest the subject's arm is stiff and rigid as an iron bar. Suggest that the arm is so rigid that it will not bend. Then tell the subject that the harder she tries to bend the arm, the more stiff and rigid it becomes. "Try to bend that arm and find that you can't!" Allow the subject to try to bend the arm for a few seconds and then say, "In a moment I will tap your hand and it will flop down like a limp rag." Tap the arm and it should flop down lifelessly at the subject's side. This way you know you have a good subject. This has two important uses. First, it is a good way for the hypnotist to see if the subject is in trance. Secondly, when the subject tries to bend her arm and finds that she can't, she becomes convinced that she is in trance and will then go even deeper into hypnosis.

Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
12 January - Hampton InnTampa Airport, FL
Cost $249
Click HERE for details.
Two-Day Intro to Hypnosis Class
8-9 March - Pasadena, MD
Cost $495
Click HERE for details

Seven-Day NGH Hypnosis Certification Course
8-14 March - Pasadena, MD
Cost $1895
Click HERE for details

Fun Things to Do Once They're in Trance

Speak Martian
Here's a fun thing to do with a good candidate. Tell her to imagine that she is a Martian visiting earth. She understands English, but only speaks Martian. You are a reporter for the New York Times and will interview her on her impressions of our planet. Fun!

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

Also, PLEASE forward this newsletter to a friend by using the "forward email" feature below.


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Ask Sean
Testing for Depth
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Fun Stuff to Do

Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course



Reader's Question:
I've watched your videos of you doing instant inductions in public. How do you get so many volunteers?
Sean's Answer:
Sometimes I work with two camera men. They film me as I talk about hypnosis... sort of like a television show. This gives me more credibility and makes people stop to see what's going on. "Hello. I'm Sean Michael Andrews, and we're here in Annapolis, Maryland to educate the public on how easilly one can enter this wonderful, relaxing state and just how quickly it can happen." As I continue talking about hypnosis, I'm scanning the crowd to find someone who looks interested, and then I approach. "Excuse me, would you like to experience hypnosis?"

Street Hypnosis Safety

Crowd Control

Street hypnosis is very entertaining and will almost always draw a crowd. I strongly recommend that you have several friends with you when you do this in public. Why? Well first of all it is nice to have someone who can explain what's going on to the policeman who arrives to investigate why a crowd has formed. "No officer, he is not assaulting that young woman. He's just demonstrating hypnosis." Secondly, your support team can make sure that the edge of the crowd does not spill into the street where they could be struck by a passing car. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Issue: # 7
24 December/2007

This is the Late-December newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Testing for Depth

Rotating Arms
After testing for catelepsy of the arm, the next test is to suggest the subject's hands can rotate all by themselves and will not stop rotating. Take the subject's arms by the wrists and begin rotating them in front of her. Suggest that her hands continue rotating all by themselves and it feels good for them to continue rotating. Once they are rotating all by themselves, start snapping your fingers and note that the faster you snap your fingers, the faster her hands rotate. Then say, "In a moment, I am going to ask you to TRY to stop rotating your hands, but you will find that the harder you TRY to stop rotating your hands, the faster they rotate. TRY to stop rotating your hands and find that you can't!" This has two important uses. First, it is a good way for the hypnotist to see if the subject is in trance. Secondly, when the subject tries to stop rotating her arms and finds that she can't, she becomes convinced that she is in trance and will then go even deeper into hypnosis.

Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
12 January 2008 - Hampton InnTampa Airport, FL
Cost $249 Only 4 seats left!!!
Click HERE for details.

Two-Day Intro to Hypnosis Class
8-9 March 2008 - Pasadena, MD
Cost $495
Click HERE for details

Fun Things to Do Once They're in Trance

Best Christmas Ever
Here's a fun thing to do with a good candidate. Tell her that when you drop her hand, she will go back to her best Christmas ever when she was a little girl. Stress that she will remember only HAPPY times. Most of the time you'll get a regression to 6 years old or younger. Then ask about the toys she received from Santa. This is pretty cute and lots of fun. Be prepared just in case of an abreaction, (Extreme Street Hypnosis issue six), but usually this is a fun regression.

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

Street Hypnosis Safety

Crowd Control

Street hypnosis is very entertaining and will almost always draw a crowd. I strongly recommend that you have several friends with you when you do this in public. Why? Well first of all it is nice to have someone who can explain what's going on to the policeman who arrives to investigate why a crowd has formed. "No officer, he is not assaulting that young woman. He's just demonstrating hypnosis." Secondly, your support team can make sure that the edge of the crowd does not spill into the street where they could be struck by a passing car. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Issue: # 7
24 December/2007

This is the Late-December newsletter for Extreme Street Hypnosis. Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Testing for Depth

Rotating Arms
After testing for catelepsy of the arm, the next test is to suggest the subject's hands can rotate all by themselves and will not stop rotating. Take the subject's arms by the wrists and begin rotating them in front of her. Suggest that her hands continue rotating all by themselves and it feels good for them to continue rotating. Once they are rotating all by themselves, start snapping your fingers and note that the faster you snap your fingers, the faster her hands rotate. Then say, "In a moment, I am going to ask you to TRY to stop rotating your hands, but you will find that the harder you TRY to stop rotating your hands, the faster they rotate. TRY to stop rotating your hands and find that you can't!" This has two important uses. First, it is a good way for the hypnotist to see if the subject is in trance. Secondly, when the subject tries to stop rotating her arms and finds that she can't, she becomes convinced that she is in trance and will then go even deeper into hypnosis.

Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
12 January 2008 - Hampton InnTampa Airport, FL
Cost $249 Only 4 seats left!!!
Click HERE for details.

Two-Day Intro to Hypnosis Class
8-9 March 2008 - Pasadena, MD
Cost $495
Click HERE for details

Fun Things to Do Once They're in Trance

Best Christmas Ever
Here's a fun thing to do with a good candidate. Tell her that when you drop her hand, she will go back to her best Christmas ever when she was a little girl. Stress that she will remember only HAPPY times. Most of the time you'll get a regression to 6 years old or younger. Then ask about the toys she received from Santa. This is pretty cute and lots of fun. Be prepared just in case of an abreaction, (Extreme Street Hypnosis issue six), but usually this is a fun regression.

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

Idea for issue
Peruvian hypnotist does catalepsy AND makes woman act like a cat.

Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Ask Sean
Testing for Depth
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Fun Stuff to Do

Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course



Reader's Question:
I've watched your videos of instant inductions, but I wonder if the person has to be pre-hypnotized to make it work. It can't be that easy.

Sean's Answer:
Instant inductions are very effective if done right. With practice, you should be able to put about 85% of your volunteers into trance. Part of the trick is choosing candidates, and the rest is practice and confidence. Make sure your subject is willing. Never try to hypnotize someone who isn't interested in being hypnotized. It's just too hard. Exude confidence. If you don't feel confident, FAKE IT. This really raises your success percentage. Just get out there and do these inductions and your numbers will rise.

Street Hypnosis Safety

Don't Get Arrested!

You need to be smart about your choice of venues when doing street hypnosis. Public places such as parks and sidewalks are good venues, but you should always check to see if the local government regulates street performances. The fee for a permit is usually nominal, but if you neglect this step, you might be in for some trouble. A mall might seen like a great place to practice, but security will escort you outside very quickly. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Issue: # 8
02 January/2008

Our aim is to spread the word about this exciting activity and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

Suggestibility Testing

Hands Locked
This is a really good way to start off a hypnosis demonstration. It's called a "hand lock" demonstration. Suggest that their hands are locked tight and the harder they try top pull them apart, the more they stick together. Count slowly from one to three, suggesting with each number their hands become locked more tightly together. Then say "Try to pull your hands apart, but notice the harder you try to pull them apart, the tighter they stick together!" Good candidates will lock up until you release them. Sometimes you can lock the whole room. Fun stuff!

Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
12 January 2008 - Hampton InnTampa Airport, FL
Cost $249 Only 3 seats left!!!
Click HERE for details.

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
8-9 March - Pasadena, MD
Cost $495

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
3-4 May 2008 - Sea Watch Condominium,
Ocean City, MD
Cost $495

Click HERE for detail

Fun Things to Do Once They're in Trance
X-Ray Scope
Cut the bottom out of a paper cup and tell the subject that the cup is an X-Ray scope that allows her to see through people's clothes. Her reaction may surprise you. She may be delighted to look through the scope at all the people. Then again she may act shocked and drop the cup. Watch the crowd. Many of them will act as though the X-Ray scope is real and may attempt to cover themselves. For more fun, you can borrow the scope from the subject just to see her reaction if you use it to look at her!

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon

Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Spotlight On
Yucky Cigarette Demo
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course


Spotlight on:

From time to time, this newsletter will focus on prominent street hypnotists around the country. This issue, we focus on KC2XL, a hypnotist who is doing some really innovative work that we love to watch.
Name: KC2XL on
Operational Area: NY and NJ. Available throughout the USA upon request
What I like best about street hypnosis: I like that street hypnosis forces me to combine manydifferent techniques while improviationally working with various people under circumstances and in surroundings that are quite different from a traditional clinical setting. I thoroughly enjoy conducting motivational hypnosis and hypnotherapy sessions; however, street hypnosis gives me the chance to dance on a high-wire without a net for an occasional change of pace.
My favorite induction: Although rapid inductions are fun, my favorite is any elegant, seamless, conversational induction.
What advice would you give an aspiring street hypnotist: Learn hypnosis safety, ethics and basics before attempting to hypnotize anyone. Once you've learned these things, practice as often as you can--always safely--and continue to study.

Street Hypnosis Safety

Perfect Balance!
Here's an important tip. Sometimes you may notice a candidate is so deep in hypnosis that she begins to sway back and forth. She may be sitting or standing. This is a good time to suggest to her that even though she is going deeper into hypnosis, she remains in perfect balance. This will deepen the trance and will also keep her from toppling!
Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Issue: # 9
09 January/2008

Be sure to check out the free coaching offer at the end of this newsletter!

More on "This Cigarette Tastes Awful!" Routine

We've had several questions on how to do the "This cigarette tastes awful!" routine, so here is a detailed description. Find a smoker and hypnotize her. Ask her if she'd be willing to let you take her off the cigarettes for one hour. If she says "Yes.", say to her, "For the next hour, whenever you take a drag from a cigarette, it will taste like burning rubber. It will be the most awful cigarette you have ever tasted in your life. It will be disgusting. And each drag you take will taste worse than the one before..... If you understand this, nod your head." When she nods her head, the suggestion is locked in. This suggestion often produces amnesia in the conscious mind. She will light up a cigarette and suddenly grimace and be very surprised that the cigarette tastes so awful. This is a very reliable demonstration, so try it out!

Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Learn Instant Hypnosis in One Day!
Imagine being able to put someone into deep hypnosis in under three minutes. How about 30 seconds? Imagine doing this instantly! You CAN after completing Sean's Instant and Rapid Hypnosis one day course!

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
12 January 2008 - Hampton InnTampa Airport, FL
Cost $249 Only 2 seats left!!!
Click HERE for details.

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
1-2 March - Pasadena, MD
Cost $495

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
3-4 May 2008 - Sea Watch Condominium,
Ocean City, MD
Cost $495

Click HERE for detail

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

Want to discuss speed hypnosis or just talk about hypnosis in general? I will be in the office Thursday, 10 January from 1-2 PM Eastern Standard Time to take your call. The cost of this offer? Zero, zilch, nada. I promise the value is at least twice that! Call me at 410-271-9408 or for my friends overseas, just SKYPE me. Do a search on "seanmichaelandrews". I look forward to talking with you!
Offer Expires: Who knows when? Let's see what happens!

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Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Featured Article
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes

Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course


Street Hypnosis Safety

Prepare to Catch!

When doing a stand-up induction, always remember to tell your subject that her legs will remain firm beneath her no matter how quickly and deeply she relaxes as she goes into hypnosis. You might add that "Just as some animals can stand and sleep, human beings can also stand and sleep." For some subbjects, the hypnosis comes on so profoundly that they may collapse and crumple to the floor. Always be ready to catch your subject and guide her gently to the floor. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!

Want to Win a Cool Prize?

Forward this Newsletter to Three Friends
and you will be eligible to win a cool little prize. Steve Brandt of Legacy Hypnosis in Central Oregon has designed this icebreaker pin. One of the most challenging parts of street hypnosis is finding good, willing subjects. Steve has found an answer. Just wear this pin on your lapel and when people see it, they will ask you what it's about. They probably will ask you to show them hypnosis! "Well, I suppose I can hypnotize you, if you really insist."
Forward the Extreme Street Hypnosis to three or more friends, (the software will enter you automatically), and you will be eligible for the drawing for a pin.
Click on the "Forward Email" button below.
Issue: # 10
22 January/2008

Our aim is to spread the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and pass along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

See the bottom of the newsletter for the free coaching offer!

Spotlight On

Name: Win Eiam-ong
Operational area: Bangkok Thailand
In the world of hypnosis, Win Eiam-ong is unique. His "Hypno-Sculpture" technique is simply amazing! Here is the way Win describes it on his website,

"Hypno-sculpture is achieved through a hypnosis technique called Rapid induction. This is where the hypnotist quickly overloads the person's mind with information and confuses them into a trance. Do not attempt this unless you are experienced AND have good intentions. There are no stooges or actors used in any of these performances.... They are too expensive! "

Hypno-sculpture is incredible to watch. While a cameraman videotapes from a distance, Win approaches a stranger on the street and instantly hypnotizes him or her. He then poses the subject, sometimes as a statue, sometimes as a movie character or sometimes as some other type of character. He then departs, leaving the subject in the posed position. The subject remains in the pose for up to half a minute. The subject then comes out of trance and looks around for the young man who "was just here a moment ago."
My favorite induction: "There was a stage hypnotist who with his fist bangs really hard on the person's teeth and shouts sleep then puts his hand to their head again... if the person does not go to sleep he does it even harder. I forgot his name. It's like if you dont go down I'll go even harder. I think its awsome.
BTW, Win later sent a note to make sure I understood that this was just a joke!
What advice would you give an aspiring street hypnotist?: read the book "Win the crowd" by steve cohen...don't walk to the book shop run to it! And for people who live in a big city- it very highly unlikely that you are going to run into anyone twice. so if you want to try any thing just go for it. You're not really going to run in to them again. Oh and have fun with what ever it is that you do.

Congratulations, Tampa Class!

Pictured above are graduates from the 12 January Instant and Rapid Hypnosis class held in Tampa. Here are some snippets from the class. If you meet any of these people on the street, shake hands with extreme caution!

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
1-2 March 2008 - Pasadena, MD
3-4 May 2008 - Ocean City, MD
Cost $495
Click HERE for details

One-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
Date TBD
Click HERE for details.

Two-Day Hypnosis Best Practices Seminar
October TBD - Tampa, FL
Cost $495

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews (Coming Soon)

Want to discuss speed hypnosis or just talk about hypnosis in general? I will be in the office Thursday, 24 January from 1-2 PM Eastern Standard Time to take your call. The cost of this offer? Zero, zilch, nada. I promise the value is at least twice that! Call me at 410-271-9408 or for my friends overseas, just SKYPE me. Do a search on "seanmichaelandrews". I look forward to talking with you!
Offer Expires: Who knows! Let's see how we go.