Saturday, December 27, 2008

Issue 22

Sean Michael Andrews'

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Ask Sean
Tricky Handshake Induction
Why Do Instant Inductions
NGH Convention
Weekend Hypnosis Course

Ask Sean

Reader Question:
In your recent video where you hypnotized the young woman and anesthetized her so that she wouldn't experience pain when she had her ears pierced, you did a "hand drop" induction on her. Had she been "pre-hypnotized"?

Sean's Answer:
Good question. She did drop like a rock, but no, she was not pre-hypnotized. She arrived about ten minutes into my lecture so she was not "softened up". The demonstration went very well and she felt no discomfort during the procedure.

Issue: # 22
05 August 2008
Dear Donald

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 47 countries!
An Interesting Handshake Induction

Michael Bennett of Bennett/Stellar University posted an instant handshake induction which you may find very interesting. The "victim" is Keith Livingston, whom I interviewed back in the spring. Have a look at Michael's technique and see if you can figure out all the nuances. This is a very cool induction. BTW, Keith Livingston and I will be teaching an instant induction course in Seattle, Washington 13-14 September. Come join us and learn how to do these inductions yourself!
Street Hypnosis - Practical Applications

What Good is This?
Street hypnosis is fun, sure, but why should a serious clinical hypnotist be interested in it? Although inductions such as the hand drop and the arm pull seem rather flashy, there are serious, clinical situations that call for the use of these inductions. Sometimes a client will be a little nervous and have trouble concentrating. Other clients may be very analytical. Both types of clients can have trouble going into hypnosis. The bottom line for a hypnotist or hypnotherapist is that if you can't put the person into trance, you can't help him or her. A hypnotist who is comfortable doing these rapid inductions should be able to hypnotize almost anyone who comes into the office. As hypnotists, we get better at our craft the more we practice it, and street hypnosis allows a hypnotist to get a LOT of practice. You will learn things out on the street that you just won't learn in a clinical setting. On the street there are distractions galore and you get to work with a wide variety of people. Personally, I refined my testing procedures on the street. Years ago, I used to have clients occasionally fail my depth testing. Using what I learned doing street hypnosis, I cannot remember the last time a client failed a test for depth. I am constantly refining my techniques, using what I learn on the street. Go on out and give it a go!

National Guild of Hypnotists Convention

8-10 August - Marlborough, MA
I'm off to Massachusetts for the annual NGH convention. I attend this convention and educational conference every year and I always learn a lot! They offer over 200 different seminars on every hypnosis topic imaginable and as the leadership says, "It's Intense!" If you see me in the hall between seminars, please stop me and say "Hello." I plan on spending the evenings in the bar at the Embassy Suites, having fun with instant inductions. You are welcome to join me. In past years the hotel management has been happy to let us play in the lounge and we have hypnotized several bartenders and waiters... as well as other customers.

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