Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Recent Newsletters

Sean Michael Andrews'

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Ask Sean
Street Skits
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Instant Hypnosis DVD
Weekend Hypnosis Course

Ask Sean

Reader Question:
How do you obtain somnambulism with a subject after performing an instant induction?

Sean's Answer:
Many people will drop immediately into somnambulism (deep trance) as soon as you do the instant induction. I always follow the instant induction with a deepening technique such as the 10-1 count. "In a moment I will count from ten down to one. Let each number I say take you deeper... and deeper, so that by the time I reach the number one, you will be even deeper relaxed." Count down slowly. Time each number to coincide with an exhale... and this will deepen the trance.

Shhhhhh! It's a Secret

Next Newsletter

The next newsletter that comes out in late June or early July, (Remember, it's a secret) will include a surprise. Be sure to open it as soon as it arrives!

Issue: # 19
11 June 2008
Dear Donald

Big news in this issue. We talk about street skits, the myth of the "mysterious pressure point", and how to obtain deep trance using an instant induction.

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 40 countries!

The Mysterious Pressure Point
It never fails. Every time I post a new video of an instant induction on youtube, one or two newbies offer their opinion that I have undoubtedly pressed "the pressure point on her neck, causing her to drop into unconsciousness." The myth of the mysterious pressure point is quite widespread, but the reality doesn't exist! Another widespread myth is that there is a pressure point on the shoulder (remember Spock's Vulcan neck pinch?) and I am sometimes asked if I employ that. It also does not exist.

The reality is that when I perform the slight, unexpected pull to the arm, this is all that's needed to provide the shock necessary for the induction. ALWAYS check to make sure the individual has no arm or neck issues before doing this induction.
Street Skits

My Cigarette Tastes Awful!
We were in Ocean City, Maryland doing street hypnosis and I decided to do an old Ormond McGill trick. After an "arm pull" instant induction and some deepening, I told the young man that the next time he smoked a cigarette, it would taste like burning rubber. In fact, each drag would get worse and worse. Then I had him open his eyes. The part I found most interesting was that even though the cigarette tasted awful (he was really grimacing) he kept puffing as if to convince himself that the taste would not get better, only worse. Since I had not secured his permission before doing this gag, I gave him the choice of keeping the suggestion for the rest of the night. He refused, so I removed the suggestion. Here's the video.

Sean Michael Andrews'

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Ask Sean
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Instant Hypnosis DVD
Weekend Hypnosis Course

Ask Sean

Reader Question:
How long does it take before you can give the subject suggestions?

Sean's Answer:
It depends. Some subjects will accept suggestions immediately after you induce them. Others require a bit of deepening. In general, I will induce and then do several deepeners to make sure the subject is fairly deep. You need to have somnambulism in most cases for the subject to take significant suggestions. Start out with simple suggestions such as "eye lock," and then gradually work up to more complicated suggestions and post hypnotic suggestions. Each suggestion executed will tend to deepen the trance and lay the groundwork for the next suggestion.

Issue: # 18
29 May 2008

We're spreading the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and passing along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 37 countries!
Age Regressions
Sometimes it can be fun to suggest to a subject that she is a young child again and then ask the child to describe her favorite toys, what she likes to do, etc. The danger is that sometimes a subject may have had an unhappy childhood or possibly a very traumatic one. This could result in an abreaction, so to avoid this, when suggesting age regression ALWAYS specify that the subject is going back to a HAPPY time as a child. Repeat several times that she will recall happy times only. This issue features the return of the young woman whom many of my youtube viewers have asked for. FYI, she's a very nice, young person.
Super Two-Day Instant Induction Class!

This is the news I've been waiting to announce. Keith Livingston, outstanding hypnotist and NLP Guru and I have put together a special two-day Instant and Rapid Hypnotic Induction class in beautiful Seattle, Washington on 13 & 14 September 2008! I've been a big fan of Keith's for years. He's one of the top hypnosis and NLP trainers in the world and I'm really excited about this new class. We'll be teaching MANY instant inductions that place a subject into deep hypnosis instantly, including sneaky Ericksonian inductions which are Keith's specialty. Here's a link to information on the class. Be advised, there is a very limited-time offer associated with this class - the first few responders will score several hundred dollars' worth of free products!! - so don't delay. Check it out NOW!

Sean Michael Andrews'

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Ask Sean
Instant Hypnosis DVD
Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course

Ask Sean

My Subject was Startled

Reader Question
I tried the hand drop induction on my mom, but when I flipped my hand out and shouted "Sleep!" she popped open her eyes and said that I scared her. She said it would be all right for me to hypnotize her. What went wrong?

Sean's Answer
It sounds like you did everything right. Although hypnotizing family members can sometimes be problematic, I don't think that is why the induction failed. The purpose of flipping your hand out suddenly IS to shock the subject. In the moment when she is feeling the excitement, you give the command, "Sleep!" and she will drop into hypnosis. Sometimes a person will react with great shock or even scream when you flip your hand out. They are actually in hypnosis even though their eyes are open. When this happens, stay with them. Pass your hand from the subject's forehead, down over the eyes and gently say, "Now close your eyes and relax." Continue deepening and you have hypnosis.

Issue: # 17
20 May 2008

We're spreading the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and passing along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 34 countries!
Nancy Knocks them Down in Nashville

111 Instant Inductions in a Weekend
I received this note from fellow speed hypnotist Nancy McCune of Nashville Hypnosis. "I went to the 'Galactic Expo' last weekend. I took my 'Free Hypnosis Today' sign, all my recorded stuff and had a blast! I did rapid inductions and did 63 people on Saturday (10 - 7) and when I got there on Sunday my able assistant announced that no way was she going to let me do that on Sunday. So she scheduled only six per hour so only did 48!! I sold a bunch of audios and best of all have 2 new multiple session clients!" Thanks very much for the sign idea, Nancy. 111 instant inductions in a weekend? You're an animal!!! If you want to share a report of some street hypnosis, send an email to and I may include it here. You've set the bar awfully high, Nancy!

Two Days Left - Last Chance to Save $30!!!

Learn Instant and Rapid Inductions!
Sit in (electronically) on Sean Michael Andrews' Instant and Rapid Induction course and learn how to do:
Arm pull induction
Hand Drop induction
Dave Elman induction
Dave Elman instant induction
Much more!
The cost for this DVD is just $109.95, but if you order before 23 May, the price is $79.95! Click here for info.

"I must say, your DVD's are among THE BEST I've EVER watched on Hypnosis!!!
Everything went right AND wrong (almost wrong) IE: Subject NOT losing the numbers while doing Elman, yet you made an INSTANT and awesome change to put her under. I've watched BOTH DVD's 3x each, My gosh you are GREAT !!!! The info so far is Priceless !!! Again THANK YOU....."

-Dave Buzzalini (Las Vegas, Nevada)
We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews

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