Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reader Question:
What is the wording you use when you are out doing street hypnosis and want to make the subject's hand stick to the bench?
Sean's Answer
Here is what I say. "In a moment I am going to take this hand and place it on the park bench. I will count to three and as I do, feel your hand sticking tightly to the bench. One, feel that hand sticking tightly to the bench as if it were super glued down there. Two, that hand is welded to the bench, fused to the bench! And three, it's as if that hand and the bench were carved from one single block of wood, one single piece. In fact, if you were to try to lift that hand it would stick even harder. The harder you try to lift it the more it sticks. Try to lift it, it sticks tighter. Try harder, it sticks tighter. Try harder, it sticks tighter."
Sean Michael Andrews

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