Monday, March 30, 2009

Issues 27-30

Ask Sean
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Three Mistakes You Don't Want to Make
One MILLION youtube Views
What Would You Like to See?
Instant Hypnosis DVD

Ask Sean

Reader Question:
All these inductions seem very complicated. Is there a really easy instant induction?

Sean's Answer:
While I don't completely agree that these inductions are complicated - they just take some practice - I can show you one with fewer moving parts. Be careful not to hurt your subject when you do this one. Just a little tap will do.
Sean's Upcoming Hypnosis Classes!

Two-Day Instant & Rapid Hypnosis Course
Jan 24-25, Orlando, Florida NOTE: This date has changed
March/April Adelaide, South Australia (Details Soon)

Two-Day Regression and Best Practices Course
May 2-3 Ottawa, Ontario
Thinking about training with Sean? Here's a sampleTestimonial.

"Instantly elevated my hypnotism skills. Finally I have an answer for the age old question, "So you're a hypnotist, show me something right now!"
-David Studor (Ottawa, Ontario)
We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews

Issue: # 27
27 October 2008
Dear Donald

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 56 countries!
Three Mistakes Street Hypnotists Make
Sometimes street hypnotists will make mistakes that greatly reduce their success rate. Here are some of the most common mistakes.

1. Begging someone to participate. This is a cardinal sin. Never beg anyone to do hypnosis with you. If the person does not really want to experience hypnosis, it is much harder for you to induce him/her.

2. Asking the subject if he/she would like to try to go into hypnosis. Try implies failure! The hypnotist must project to the subject that the hypnotist will ABSOLUTELY be able to perform the trance. There is no doubt!

3. Failing to spot the scammer. Sometimes one of the crowd will attempt to make a fool of the hypnotist. This person is very insistent. Look into his eyes and ask him, "Do you really want to do this?" Usually he will indicate that he is not interested in going into hypnosis.

One MILLION Youtube Views!

On 19 October while I was teaching in Ottawa, Ontario, I received my one millionth view on This is quite a milestone and makes my videos some of the most viewed hypnosis clips on youtube! Many thanks to all the people who have watched! I got to thinking, with an average video length of one minute, that means that people have used 23.148 man-months watching my videos. That's a lot of time wasted. :-) I sure hope they learned something!!!
What Would YOU like to See?

I got some very good suggestions from my readers as to what hypnotic phenomena they would like to see me perform. I am lining up some subjects, so we should shoot some footage this week or next. Keep an eye on youtube for my next offerings and if there is a hypnotic phenomenon YOU would like to see, drop me a line!

BTW, Here's a blooper.
Ask Sean
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Global Hypnosis Summit
Orlando in January
Meet Nathan Thomas
Meet Reg Blackwood

Ask Sean

Reader Question:
I like the Dave Elman induction, but I have a question, how long should it take when it's done properly?

Sean's Answer:
The Dave Elman induction is my favorite! In its longest form, it should take less than five minutes. Dave called it the "Three Minute Routine". Here's an example.
Sean's Upcoming Hypnosis Classes!

Two-Day Instant & Rapid Hypnosis Course
Jan 24-25, Orlando, Florida NOTE: This date has changed
March/April Adelaide, South Australia (Details Soon)

Two-Day Regression and Best Practices Course
May 2-3 Ottawa, Ontario
Thinking about training with Sean? Here's a sampleTestimonial.

"Instantly elevated my hypnotism skills. Finally I have an answer for the age old question, "So you're a hypnotist, show me something right now!"
-David Studor (Ottawa, Ontario)
We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews

Issue: # 28
10 November 2008
Dear Donald

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 57 countries!
Global Hypnosis Summit

I Will Be Presenting
The Global Hypnosis Summit is a virtual summit with up to 99 hours of hypnosis education by the some of the world's leading hypnotists. Imagine what you can learn! I will be presenting on "Street Hypnosis" and also on "The Dave Elman Induction" during the eSummit. Please stop by the GHS webpage and check it out. I'm really excited about being a part of this. Note, they will ask you who sent you. If you want to give me a bonus, just tell them I sent you. Either way, check this out!
Learn Instant Hypnosis in Sunny Orlando!

24-25 January 2009
It's starting to get cold, but by late January you know you will be ready to escape to warmer weather. Come join me in sunny Orlando, Florida and learn Instant and Rapid Inductions! The class will be held at the Spring Hill Suites, just one mile from Walt Disney World, so you can take the family and they can enjoy the parks while you learn some really cool skills.

Meet Nathan Thomas
My friend Nathan Thomas is a precocious teenage hypnotist from New Zealand, with a passion for all forms of hypnosis, from conversational to street. He has created one of the hypnosis world's most successful blogs (Keys To The Mind), co-founded the International Association For Teenage Hypnotists and is now working on the free street hypnosis newsletter. Why am I mentioning someone else's newsletter here? In my opinion you can never have too much info, and Nathan's newsletter is going to provide a LOT more hypnosis info to you, so... ENJOY!

Nathan says, "The free street hypnosis newsletter is an incredibly exciting project which I have spent months on behind the scenes getting commitments and resources from the hypnotists widly considered to be the best in the world (including our very own Sean Michael Andrews, and others such as Tom Nicoli, Richard Nongard, Jonathan Chase and Igor Ledochowski, to name just a few) all aimed at making you into a spectacular street hypnotist. When you subscribe at you'll begin learning street hypnosis immediately with top quality free lessons teaching everything from instant inductions to hypnotic routines, suggestions and covert waking hypnosis.

It's a truly spectacular project (if I do say so myself) and the feedback I have received in its few short days of existence has been phenomenal, so I can't wait to hear what you think of the free street hypnosis training you are getting!

To sign up and begin furthering your skills in this thrilling and powerful art of Street Hypnosis go to now."

Meet Reg Blackwood

The Quicknotist
My friend Reg Blackwood does street hypnosis and stage hypnosis in Christchurch, New Zealand. You will hear much more about Reg in future issues. Reg is the author of an upcoming new book on Street Hypnosis and I feel honored that he has asked me to write the forward. Reg tells me that he has a website sitting around gathering dust ( which he's willing to let go if he gets the right offer. I told him I'd mention it to my readers. Why didn't WE think to buy that domain!!!

Ask Sean

Reader Question:
What is the difference between a shock induction and a confusion induction?

Sean's Answer:
Both types of induction bypass the "critical faculty" of the conscious mind so that hypnosis can take place. The shock induction uses a sudden movement or sound to create a moment of vulnerability, during which the command "Sleep!" is shouted.

The confusion induction can best be described as doing something that makes the subject go, "Huh?!!" after which the hypnotist immediately deepens the trance and talks the person into hypnosis.

With both types of inductions, the most important part is to start deepening the subject immediately. If you don't deepen, the subject will pop out of hypnosis.

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