Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Waking Hypnosis
Classic Hypno Book Goes North
Ask Sean
Meet Brian David Phillips
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course
"Waking Hypnosis"
Here's a way to clear the way to actual hypnosis. Suggest that your subject engage in an "imagination game" (Thanks for the tip, Brian.) and move from this to actual hypnosis. Waking trance is a lot of fun to do. It takes some practice, but once you get this perfected, you can really impress the crowd. Here's this issue's featured video of "Waking Hypnosis".
Who Won the Cool Prize?
This really cool, old book, packed with very interesting tidbits about hypnosis was won by Jason Gordon CH of Gordon Hypnosis in Ontario, Canada. Congratulations, Gordon!
Some have asked if a reprint is available and the answer is yes! Here is a link to the reprint on Amazon.
Ask Sean
The Best Induction for a Beginner
Reader Question
Is the Dave Elman the best induction for a new person to do?
Sean's Answer
Dave Elman's "three-minute routine" is the most reliable rapid induction for a beginner. As far as super-rapid inductions go, I favor the seated hand drop for beginners. There are fewer "moving parts" than in other super rapids and since the subject is seated, it is safer. Standing inductions have their associated risks since you need to make sure the subject remains upright. More on this next issue.
Instant Hypnosis DVD!
Many of my readers and youtube viewers have asked when I would finish my Instant and Rapid Hypnosis DVD. Well, I finally did it! Here's your chance to sit in (electronically) on my Instant Hypnosis course. Topics covered are:
• Elman Instant Induction
• Hand Drop Induction
• Arm Pull Induction
• Handshake Interrupt
• Hypnosis Safety and MUCH more!
I will offer these videos for $109.95 on my website, but the first ten people who order the two-DVD set can get it for $79.95. Details will be included in the next issue. Here's a testimonial from a hypnotist who got an advance copy:
"I must say, your DVD's are among THE BEST I've EVER watched on Hypnosis!!! Everything went right AND wrong (almost wrong) IE: Subject NOT losing the numbers while doing Elman, yet you made an INSTANT and awesome change to put her under. I've watched BOTH DVD's 3x each, My gosh you are GREAT !!!! The info so far is Priceless !!! Again THANK YOU....."
-Dave Buzaalini
(For those who are paying attention, yes, this is the same message as last issue. I decided to add in some more cool footage. It'll be done soon!)
Issue: # 15 15 April 2008
We're spreading the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and passing along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.
The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 26 countries!
Spotlight On Brian David Phillips
Name: Brian David Phillips
Home Base: Taiwan
Brian David Phillips Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the English Department at National Chengchi University, a prestigious university in Taiwan. He is a Board Certified Hypnotist (Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Hypnosis Instructor Trainer) and is the president of the Society of Experiential Trance. (SET). Brian shared a LOT of information, so I have continued his responses on my blog. Don't miss out. Click on "MORE" for his extended answers.
Sean When doing "Walkabout Trance", what are some of the methods you use to entice people to be hypnotized?
BDP I use quite a few different "approaches" but, honestly, most of the time rely upon a few simple ones.
First, a LOT of the time I don't need to approach people because they approach me. That's right, they will ask me about hypnosis. Living in Asia, I have grown accustomed to carrying what I guess one would call a man-bag. Rather than having keys, wallet, cellphone or the like in my pockets, I keep all that in a bag I carry around with me. Well, since I've got this big ol' thing with me all the time (my bag is large enough to accommodate my notebook computer and a number of books at any given time), I printed off a 4X6 card on purple cardstock that has my logo (the "eye of experiential trance") and the word Hypnosis in big characters in English and Chinese (in the part of the planet I live in, Chinese is the local language - yes, I really have hypnotized a LOT of folks through interpretation, see my webpages for some examples, both on and off the street), laminated the card, and fixed it to my bag so it's hanging on the side as a walking billboard of sorts where ever I go. Seeing that card will pique the interest of a whole lot of folks. While I know a bucketful of hypnotists and hypnosis is just common everyday stuff for me, most folks never meet a "real" hypnotist in their entire lives so seeing that card will get the ol' curiousity cat running and many will ask my about it. I then go into a nice little pretalk about how I'm a genuine hypnotist and answer their questions while presenting a playful "you wanna give it a go?" attitude. From there, it is usually not difficult to go into some simple trance effect demonstrations. MORE
Sean Could you please share a safety hint for aspiring street hypnotists?
BDP Consent, consent, consent. By consent, I mean informed consent. I never use covert or shock inductions on unsuspecting people. There are folks who do this who are able to do so and get away with it, but I have seen too many people attempt these without proper context grounding or skill competence and then they open themselves up to possible safety concerns (such as getting your butt kicked by someone who is angry about being approached in that way).
I strongly suggest that folks not do street hypnosis with minors without explicit parental permission (from a parent who is actually present, not the classic "I called my Mom and she said it's okay" gambit). I tell kids that while I can't hypnotize them on the street at that moment without their parents, I do occasionally do shows or events for schools so they can talk to their classmates and teachers about inviting me to their school or they can tell their parents I have a family oriented show they can all come to (I give them my business card to give to their parents and if I have a show flyer I give them that). MORE
Sean What is your favorite induction to use during walkabout trance?
BDP My absolute favorite is the Phillips Arm Pull Induction. This is a variation of the classic armpull with fixation with a twist. I have a couple videos on my webpages where I use this induction, including a piece where I teach it online, and I teach it in many of my classes with a bit more of the nuances. However, the setup is the key. I start by taking the trance partner's hand and do a bit of filler patter about how when I say "sleep" even though sleep is not hypnosis but when I say sleep they will close their eyes and just let everything go, AS IF they are turning off a switch and their body and mind just shut down relaxing deeply and wonderfully. At this point I will then ask, "are you right or left handed?" Regardless of what they say, I then say "oh, then I need your other hand" and switch hands that I am holding. This is very important. I then hold the hand MORE
Sean What advice would you give to aspiring street hypnotists?
BDP I know this is Sean Michael Andrews' newsletter but the absolutely first advice I give to aspiring street hypnotists is to take a few of my courses. Of course, that's pretty much the same advice I give anyone and everyone. So, just imagine I'm standing in front of you and you're staring into my incredibly deep and penetrating and hypnotic eyes while I wave my fingers in front of you hypnotically while my influential and hypnotic voice slowly drones on "you will take my courses, you will take my courses, you will take my courses" over and over and over as you find yourself compelled to click on my course links and register for any and all course offerings I might have at the moment. Or, not. :-)
Seriously, while I am certainly always happy to have more and more students (more than happy, actually), it is getting some competent training that is important. If you're not familiar with hypnosis then take a good solid course (preferably one that either focuses on or at least includes speed hypnosis). Choose a teacher who has a solid reputation as well as competence in the sort of hypnosis you see yourself wishing to pursue.
Read as much as you can about hypnosis in general and if you are looking for street hypnosis information then get information specific to that. Sean's newsletter has many valuable insights so be sure to read it.
Join online hypnosis forums where street hypnosis is welcome. Some of the forums discourage folks from doing any sort of entertainment or recreational hypnosis so you're not going to get much helpful guidance on doing it well in those sort of forums. You might consider joining an open community group such as the Hypnosis Technique Exchange at as there are many inductions archived in the messages there and other forums such as Sean's yahoogroup for more specific information exchange. MORE
Sean's Upcoming Hypnosis Classes!
Two-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
September (TBD) West Coast
Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
-May 3-4 Ocean City, MD
-July 12-13 Columbia, MD
Two-Day Hypnosis Best Practices Seminar
-June 14-15 Hampton Inn, Stamford, CT
-October 25-26 Hampton inn, Tampa, FL
Cost $495
Seven-Day NGH Ceritification Course
-July 12-18 Columbia, MD
Cost $1895
"This was a most interesting presentation which was so much fun we didn't realize eight hours had passed."
-Linda Chidlow (C.H. Canada)
We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email
If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.
Sean Michael Andrews
Free, but worth much more! Want to chat about instant and rapid inductions or just hypnosis in general (at no charge)? Give Sean a call on Thursdays from 12-1PM EST. 410-271-9408
Offer Expires: Who knows. Let's see how we go.
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Sean Michael Andrews'
EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter
Waking Hypnosis
Ask Sean
Fear of Flying
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Instant Hypnosis DVD
Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course
"Waking Hypnosis"
According to Ormond McGill in his "Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism," waking hypnosis is an informal trance. All you need is a subject with a good imagination. Start with locking your subject's hands together and then proceed from there. The commands should be clear, emphatic and rapid-fire so that the subject goes quickly from one demonstration to another without too much time to think about what is going on. It's important to make sure your subject keeps her eyes locked on yours. This informal trance can be turned into a formal trance at any time with a slight movement and the command, "Sleep!" Here's another example of a waking trance.
Ask Sean
Street Approaches
Reader Question
How long would you expect a street induction to take on average with say a subject who wants to but has trouble completely letting go and what would be your patter beforehand and what induction would you use?
Sean's Answer
On a cold walk-up, the patter would be, "I'm out here demonstrating hypnosis and how quickly it can be achieved. I gotta warn you. Everyone I've hypnotized tonight said it felt wonderful. Would you like to experience hypnosis and feel wonderful?" Providing the answer is yes, I say, "I do instant inductions, so here's how it works. In a moment I'm going to ask you to give me your hand. I will shake your hand down. When I do, your eyes close down, your head falls forward and you go into a pleasant, deep, hypnotic slumber. And it feels wonderful! Sound good? Give me your hand. Take a step toward me. Put your feet together. Look at me right here. Sleep!" (Providing it's an arm pull induction I'm doing. I guess that would take about 30 seconds. Whether or not she has trouble letting go wouldn't enter into it. When she gets the shock, she'll let go. The confidence you exude will override her doubts about her ability to let go.
Issue: # 16 14 May 2008
We're spreading the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and passing along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.
The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 33 countries!
Seated or Standing?
Many rapid inductions can be done either seated or standing, but some are best done seated. The "hand drop" induction is very effective, but when the induction is triggered, the natural tendency for the subject is to lurch forward. This is why this induction is best done seated. Also, I recommend that you do the hand drop with your chair to the side of the subject's chair because this will enable you to control her better. Here's a tip on deepening the trance. Keep one hand on her shoulder after you trigger the induction. Press down as she exhales and ease up on the pressure as she inhales. This will deepen her trance state.
Fun on an Airplane
"I'm scared to death of flying!"
I went to Oklahoma City last Friday to meet with Patrick Coleman, a very talented hypnotist who specializes in pain control and specifically dental hypnosis. On my way home, on takeoff from OKC, the young woman next to me buried her head in her hands, so I asked her if she was all right. "I'm scared to death of flying!" she said. For those of you who thought instant inductions were just for fun, read on.... I introduced myself and told her that I could take away the fear. I did a hand drop induction and deepened her. Then I said "In a moment I'm going to pick up your hand and drop it. When I do you will be able to imagine you are on the most wonderful vacation ever. Go wherever you want with whomever you want. Do what you want to do, eat what you want to eat and drink what you want to drink. Any voices you hear or bumps you feel will just be a part of the imagined vacation and you will have a ball!" I dropped her hand and said "Be there!" Well, this lady smiled all the way to Atlanta. She didn't emerge until we landed and I counted her up as we taxied to the terminal.
Watch This Space
Next newsletter I will be publishing some exciting news. Something BIG is in the works and it happens in September. Stay tuned for the announcement!
Sean's Upcoming Hypnosis Classes!
Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
-July 12-13 Pasadena, MD
Two-Day Hypnosis Best Practices Seminar
-October 25-26 Hampton inn, Tampa, FL
Cost $495
Seven-Day NGH Ceritification Course
-July 12-18 Pasadena, MD
Cost $1895
"A great class for learning both instant and rapid inductions AND the theory behind them in order to create our own inductions. Time well spent!"
-PS (Columbia, MD)
Learn Instant Hypnosis DVD!
I mean really done! The two-volume DVD of my Instant and Rapid Induction class is ready for distribution. Here's your chance to sit in (electronically) on my Instant Hypnosis course. Topics covered are:
• Elman Instant Induction
• Hand Drop Induction
• Arm Pull Induction
• Handshake Interrupt
• Hypnosis Safety and MUCH more!
I will offer these videos for $109.95 on my website, but if you order the two-DVD set before 20 May, you can get it for $79.95. And since I forgot to tell the programmers to include shipping, shipping is free!
Important Note: These links will send you to the website for my private practice, Maryland Family Hypnosis where I have a Google shopping cart. For the curious, you can even find out what Sean's real name is!
Here's a testimonial from a hypnotist who got an advance copy:
"I must say, your DVD's are among THE BEST I've EVER watched on Hypnosis!!! Everything went right AND wrong (almost wrong) IE: Subject NOT losing the numbers while doing Elman, yet you made an INSTANT and awesome change to put her under. I've watched BOTH DVD's 3x each, My gosh you are GREAT !!!! The info so far is Priceless !!! Again THANK YOU....."
-Dave Buzzalini (Las Vegas, Nevada)
We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email
If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.
Sean Michael Andrews
Free, but worth much more! Want to chat about instant and rapid inductions or just hypnosis in general? Give me a call on Thursdays from 12-1PM EST. My number is 410-271-9408. If there are a lot of callers, we may need to limit our call to 15 minutes, but if there are no other callers, you get the full hour!
Offer Expires: Who knows. Let's see how we go.
Friday, May 16, 2008
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In today’s ever increasing socioeconomic stressful environment emphasis should be focused on the advantages of Medical hypnosis. It is important to understand that one is not treated with hypnosis but rather through hypnosis. Choosing the right Hypnotherapist is therefore very important. One-on-one sessions are most desirable in correcting conditioned habitual responses, as each patient has different and sometime multiple past and present sensitizing events.
Unlike cognitive therapy or prescription medications which concentrate on the "effects", Medical hypnosis works in an older part of our brain to assault the "causality" of the problem by redirecting or even eliminating negative habits, emotions, or perceptions. As increased scientific study confirms the value of medical hypnosis; myths, half-truths, and suspicions surrounding hypnotherapy will be diminished and we can help change our stressful society without harsh and often dangerous prescription medications.
Richard makes a very good point in that, as our technology improves and brain research expands, the how's and why's of hypnosis are becoming clearer. Richard is also right on in writing that choosing the right hypnotist is so important. Not only for the experience and techniques that the hypnotist can offer, but also for the genuine concern that the hypnotist has in helping his or her client.
Brian Sanders, MS, CH
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