Sunday, April 13, 2008

2 April Issue of Extreme Street Hypnosis

Sean Michael Andrews'

EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter

Camera Safety
Win A Classic Hypno Book
Ask Sean
Meet Keith Livingston
Assisting Trance
Upcoming Hypnosis Classes
Instant Induction Course
Weekend Hypnosis Course

Street Hypnosis Safety

Camera Safety

We love to capture our instant inductions on film, but we need to look out for our cameramen as well as our subjects. Often the cameraman will be so intent on documenting the hypnosis, that he could be knocked down by a passerby or vehicle. This subject came up in a recent class. One of my students had a lot of experience in shooting films and he gave me a great idea. Get one of those reflective vests, similar to those worn by road crews, and have "Camera Crew" or something similar printed on the back of it. This lends more credibility to your demonstration AND keeps your cameraman safe. Let's keep street hypnosis fun and safe!
Want to Win a Cool Prize?

Add This Book to your Library!

I found a classic hypnosis book in a used book store recently. The last book prize I offered was out of print, but this one is really special. Sure, you could buy the reprint on Amazon, but this is an edtion from 1923 with some extra stuff about sales thrown in. I found an old business card tucked into the book and I'm including it. You'll probably get a kick out of it. The book was originally printed in 1901. The book is titled "Practical Lessons in Hypnotism" by Wm Wesley Cook and it mixes hypnotism with old time Mesmerism. Here are some of the interesting chapter titles.

Criminal Hypnotism
Developing a Subject
Hypnotist's Secret
Mind Reading
This is really a cool book with lots of concepts that you will find amazing. To become eligible to win this book, just forward this newsletter (There is a link at the bottom that reads "Forward email") to three other hypnotists or other interested persons, and you will be in the drawing to win! The software will automatically register you. Good luck!

Last issue's winner of an advance copy of my new instructional DVD valued at $109.95, was Dave Buzzalini AKA DrDave of Las Vegas, Nevada. Congratulations, Dave! Dave liked the video so much, he wrote me a review that I've included in this issue.
Ask Sean

The Three Handshake Induction

Reader Question
I did a "finger magnet" suggestibility test. Then I went for a "congratulations" handshake which I intended to turn into a "three handshake" induction. It didn't work. What went wrong?

Sean's Answer
The Dave Elman "three handshake" induction is very effective if you explain to the subject exactly what will happen before you do the induction. Say, "I'm going to shake your hand three times. On the first handshake your eyes will feel heavy, droopy, drowsy and sleepy, but they won't close yet. On the second handshake they will become even heavier, but still you will manage just barely to keep them open. The third time I shake your hand, your eyes close down, your head drops forward and you go into a pleasant, deep, hypnotic slumber. Does that sound good?"
If the subject says, "Yes.", do the induction after telling him that his legs will remain firm beneath him. On the third handshake pull the hand down and toward you sharply and shout, "Sleep!" Continue talking and deepen the subject.

Note: Always check to make sure the subject doesn't have any injuries or physical limitations that would cause him/her to be injured with the arm pull.

Issue: # 14
2 April 2008

We're spreading the word about the exciting activity of Street Hypnosis and passing along "best practices" to make street hypnosis fun and safe.

The EXTREME Street Hypnosis Newsletter is now read in 25 countries!
Spotlight On Keith Livingston

Name: Keith Livingston (

Home Base: Seattle

I first became aware of Keith about four years ago when I read his modified Dave Elman induction in an NLP class I was taking. The induction was written so well that anyone could hypnotize a subject, just by reading the words. I thought that was pretty amazing! Last month I got to meet Keith and I can say that he is as personable face-to-face as he is in his videos. I am happy to feature Keith in this edition of the newsletter!

Hypnotist and hypnosis educator Keith Livingston is the author of more than 15 NLP and hypnosis related programs including a complete hypnosis certification program, programs on Master Practitioner NLP techniques such as the Milton Model, Sleight of Mouth, Advanced Metaphor and more.He's also appeared on television and radio numerous times as an expert on NLP/hypnosis, including an appearance on the John Walsh show.

Sean Can you tell us a little bit about the modified Dave Elman induction on your website?
Keith Sure. So many people want to learn a good, reasonably quick, effective induction. The Elman is one of my favorites so I wrote it out for folks. The original wording could have been a little tighter so I changed a bit of the wording. It's a fun induction!
Sean How important is NLP to a hypnotist?
Keith Without NLP, you're working with one arm tied behind your back. Whenever I hear a hypnotist talking who does not have NLP training I wonder how they do it.
Sean When you encounter an abreaction during recreational hypnosis, what is your preferred method to deal with this?
Keith I do the same thing I do in a session. When someone gets upset during hypnosis, you treat them exactly as you would any person who is upset. There's a story about student who once asked a prominent hypnotherapist, "What do you do if someone starts to cry when they're in trance?" "I hand them a tissue," he said. That's my theory too!
Sean What is it that you bring that's unique to the field of hypnosis?
Keith Great question. I see a lot of hypnosis instructors giving step-by-step instruction. And that's great as a first step or as part of your hypnosis training. But if all you get is a procedure, that's all you'll ever be able to do. I believe strongly that it's crucial to understand why things work--the concepts behind the steps. I spend practically all my time looking at hypnosis from that angle. Why does induction "A" work better than induction"B" with this type of person. What is hypnosis really? What elements does an induction have to have in order to be effective? Then I teach those concepts to people along with step-by-step examples. It's the difference between giving someone directions to your house and teaching them how to read a map. Teach them how to read a map and they can go anywhere!

"That's Right"

Assisting Trance
Last week I was working with a client for smoking cessation and when the session was over, she giggled and said, "You sure do say "That's Right" a lot!" She is absolutely right about that, and here is why. "That's right." and "Good." are not just filler words. Your client/subject has probably never been hypnotized before and is probably wondering if she's doing it right. To let her know that she's going into hypnosis, it helps to say something like "Good." or "That's right." every time she does something that seems trancy. Say it if she swallows, clears her throat, scratches her ear, relaxes her shoulders, or anything else. This will let her know that she's doing well and will assist her in going into hypnosis. Here's a video of a Dave Elman induction. See if you can count how many times I say those words.
Instant Hypnosis DVD Almost Done!

Almost Done!
Many of my readers and youtube viewers have asked when I would finish my Instant and Rapid Hypnosis DVD. Well, I finally did it! Here's your chance (VERY SOON) to sit in (electronically) on my Instant Hypnosis course. Topics covered are:
Elman Instant Induction
Hand Drop Induction
Arm Pull Induction
Handshake Interrupt
Hypnosis Safety and MUCH more!
I will offer these videos for $109.95 on my website, but the first ten people who order the two-DVD set can get it for $79.95. Details will be included in the next issue. Here's a testimonial from a hypnotist who got an advance copy:

"I must say, Your DVD's are among THE BEST I've EVER Watched on Hypnosis!!! Everything went Right AND Wrong (Almost wrong) IE: Subject NOT Loosing the numbers while doing Elman, yet you made an INSTANT and awesome change to put her under. I've watched BOTH DVD's 3x each, My gosh you are GREAT !!!! The info so far is Priceless !!! Again THANK YOU....."

-Dave Buzaalini

Sean's Upcoming Hypnosis Classes!

Two-Day No Nonsense Hypnosis Class
-May 3-4 - Ocean City, MD
Cost $495

Two-Day Instant Hypnosis Class
September (TBD) West Coast

Two-Day Hypnosis Best Practices Seminar
-June 14-15 Hampton Inn, Stamford, CT
-October 25-26 Hampton inn, Tampa, FL
Cost $495

Seven-Day NGH Ceritification Course
-July 12-18 Columbia, MD
Cost $1895
"Great course. Crisp, clean, with great demos and plenty of practice and very rapid learning!"

Oscar Gillespie, (New York)

We hope you enjoyed the tips in this newsletter. Please send any comments or questions to Contact Email

If you know someone who might like to see the newsletter, please click on the "Forward Email" link below.


Sean Michael Andrews

Interview with Brian David Phillips

Here is the full version of the interview with hypnosis educator and stage hypnotist Brian David Phillips. There's a lot of information here, so enjoy!

Sean-When doing “Walkabout Trance”, what are some of the methods you use to entice people to be hypnotized?

BDP-I use quite a few different "approaches" but, honestly, most of the time rely upon a few simple ones.

First, a LOT of the time I don't need to approach people because they approach me. That's right, they will ask me about hypnosis. Living in Asia, I have grown accustomed to carrying what I guess one would call a man-bag. Rather than having keys, wallet, cellphone or the like in my pockets, I keep all that in a bag I carry around with me. Well, since I've got this big ol' thing with me all the time (my bag is large enough to accommodate my notebook computer and a number of books at any given time), I printed off a 4X6 card on purple cardstock that has my logo (the "eye of experiential trance") and the word Hypnosis in big characters in English and Chinese (in the part of the planet I live in, Chinese is the local language - yes, I really have hypnotized a LOT of folks through interpretation, see my webpages for some examples, both on and off the street), laminated the card, and fixed it to my bag so it's hanging on the side as a walking billboard of sorts where every I go. Seeing that card will pique the interest of a whole lot of folks. While I know a bucketful of hypnotists and hypnosis is just common everyday stuff for me, most folks never meet a "real" hypnotist in their entire lives so seeing that card will get the ol' curiousity cat running and many will ask my about it. I then go into a nice little pretalk about how I'm a genuine hypnotist and answer their questions while presenting a playful "you wanna give it a go?" attitude. From there, it is usually not difficult to go into some simple trance effect demonstrations.

Second, when trolling for trance partners (I tend to refer to folks as trance partners and the hypnotist as a trance guide as I honestly don't like the word "subject" as it implies an attitude of control while I want a partner in the hypnotic context), I will go to places frequented by young people (university age or so - I prefer not to do Walkabout Trance with anyone under the age of majority unless their parents are there and give specific permission), and just walk up to a group of friendly looking folks (a good mix of men and women is often helpful) and just tell them flat out that I'm a hypnotist and looking to play with folks with some demonstrations of some simple imagination games (classic suggestibility tests) which I can then leverage into hypnosis. I often use the stiff arm catalepsy test and then immediately convert that into the hand stuck on the head which can then be rolled into other genuine effects. Lately, I've been starting out with the pencil stuck to the fingers test (although I will occasionally use one of my business cards for that test so that I can then give them the card as a "souvenir" of their experience). That test can be rolled into other effects immediately and is great in that it engages the imagination right off the bat.

Third. I use mentalism (mental magic) effects as openers. Sometimes I will take out a blank business card and looking like I need to write something down approach someone asking to borrow their pen. Most folks will not begrudge you the use of their pen. I then write a series of numbers on the front of the card and return the pen and ask the person to cross off one of the numbers. When they do, I will walk a few feet away and ask them to turn the card over and there is the number they crossed off. Now, it's as simple mentalism effect and I use some NLPish language patterns and covert suggestion to increase my chances for success (I don't use magic tricks that rely upon gimmicks or gadgets, I use pure mental forces or psychological effects as it allows me to segue seamlessly into hypnotic effects). Since it's a psychological force, I have exit strategies to go into another effect (usually an ideomotor effect) if the original one fails (which it usually does not as I have a 99% success rate with it). Sorry, I won't describe the entire mechanics of the effect here (folks are certainly welcome to take one of my courses in Walkabout Trance to learn it - or purchase a nice simple beginner's text on magic; Richard Rumble teaches a workshop on magic tricks for hypnotists that folks can contact him about) . . . suffice it to say, using a magic trick or mentalism effect works great.

Fourth, I have a version of my business card that has a pendulum answer chart for ideomotor autoquestioning printed on the back. I will approach folks with a card and a pendulum in hand and teach them how to use the pendulum for autoquestioning. I then let them keep the card for their own use later (a nice way to make sure folks hold on to your business card). Many times I give pendulums to folks as gifts as well (I always give small purple crystal pendulums to my clients in my clinical work). Most folks are fascinated by how the subconscious moves the pendulum for autoquestioning and you can continue to use the pendulum for a fixation induction or just move into any other induction as appropriate.

Sean-Could you please share a safety hint for aspiring street hypnotists?

BDP-Consent, consent, consent. By consent, I mean informed consent. I never use covert or shock inductions on unsuspecting people. There are folks who do this who are able to do so and get away with it, but I have seen too many people attempt these without proper context grounding or skill competence and then they open themselves up to possible safety concerns (such as getting your butt kicked by someone who is angry about being approached in that way).

I strongly suggest that folks not do street hypnosis with minors without explicit parental permission (from a parent who is actually present, not the classic "I called my Mom and she said it's okay gambit"). I tell kids that while I can't hypnotize them on the street at that moment without their parents, I do occasionally do shows or events for schools so they can talk to their classmates and teachers about inviting me to their school or they can tell their parents I have a family oriented show they can all come to (I give them my business card to give to their parents and if I have a show flyer I give them that).

Always be aware of foot traffic and street traffic. Do NOT hypnotize anyone near the edge of a road or anywhere that bikes, cars, busses, airplanes, alien starcraft, or anything else might happen through. If you are on a sidewalk, stand away from the edge of the street, have the trance partner's back to the buildings and stand between the trance partner and the street so you can control any unplanned movements and keep them safe and away from traffic.

Before doing a shock induction that relies upon sharp shock physical movements, verify that the person is physically able to handle them. Leave folks better than you found them, not worse. Too many people who do physical pull or push or shock inductions do so in a very rough way which leave their trance partners sore or even injured. Sometimes even otherwise skilled hypnotists don't realize just how sharp they are pulling a person or that someone has limb or muscle issues. As an example, I met a young woman once who refused to ever be hypnotized again because she had once been hypnotized by a "world famous" hypnotist (who even teaches courses in instant and rapid inductions) who used an arm catalepsy induction with a pull finish that left her with a torn muscle and aggravated her pre-existing whiplash. If you do shock inductions then do them within safety contexts. They are very safe when done properly and can even be done gently with folks for whom the more powerful movements are inappropriate. Of course, part of that safety tip is to have proper training, practice, and experience. Take care of your trance partners and they will respond to you.

Sean-What is your favorite induction to use during walkabout trance?

BDP-My absolute favorite is the Phillips Arm Pull Induction. This is a variation of the classic armpull with fixation with a twist. I have a couple videos on my webpages where I use this induction, including a piece where I teach it online, and I teach it in many of my classes with a bit more of the nuances. However, the setup is the key. I start by taking the trance partner's hand and do a bit of filler patter about how when I say "sleep" even though sleep is not hypnosis but when I say sleep they will close their eyes and just let everything go, AS IF they are turning off a switch and their body and mind just shut down relaxing deeply and wonderfully. At this point I will then ask, "are you right or left handed?" Regardless of what they say, I then say "oh, then I need your other hand" and switch hands that I am holding. This is very important. I then hold the hand with one of my hands and point to my eyes and tell them to look into my eyes (yes, I am Captain Cliché), place my free hand upon their shoulder with fingers extended toward the middle of the back and a thumb gently at the base of the neck. While looking into their eyes, I breathe deeply and begin to relax myself, causing my eyes to defocus as I continue breathing and then on an exhale gently pull the arm forward, say "sleep" and gently pull the body forward while giving a simultaneous tap single at the base of the neck for the head to go forward. Typically, they slump forward AS IF they've been pulled hard even though the actual physical movements are soft. I then balance their bodies with one hand and use the other to gently roll the head while giving deepening patter suggestions. Now, the key to this is the hand switch. Whichever hand you end up holding is not important but because you made a bit of a fuss about switching them when you find out the trance partner's handedness it becomes a confusion focus. When I hold the hand prior to the induction moves I will often do so in an odd configuration that places my fingers upon their pulse which they also notice even though I do not mention it (more distraction or false focus guidance and intensification of their imaginative involvement). It's a nice induction and loads of fun, although, like many speed hypnosis inductions, requires timing and confidence.

As noted earlier, I will also often not use a formal induction and start off with a suggestibility effect which I convert into further effects, essentially becoming an induction in and of themselves. When doing group Walkabout Trance, we will often challenge one another to create new inductions or processes on the fly with folks (basically, one person in the group will select the potential walkup trance partner group - groups are best for this - and then give a challenge of an induction or even just say an object, shape, idea, or concept that the hypnotist must incorporate into the trance - yes, those familiar with my Walkabout Trance courses will recognize the Creative Trance Train activity I use in the classroom but taken into the real world). Anything can be an induction. While folks can certainly specialize in certain effects or inductions, taking things to the next level by creating new effects or processes on the fly can be a lot of fun (it certainly gets the adrenaline going).

Sean-What advice would you give to aspiring street hypnotists?

BDP-I know this is Sean Michael Andrews' newsletter but the absolutely first advice I give to aspiring street hypnotists is to take a few of my courses. Of course, that's pretty much the same advice I give anyone and everyone. So, just imagine I'm standing in front of you and you're staring into my incredibly deep and penetrating and hypnotic eyes while I wave my fingers in front of you hypnotically while my influential and hypnotic voice slowly drones on "you will take my courses, you will take my courses, you will take my courses" over and over and over as you find yourself compelled to click on my course links and register for any and all course offerings I might have at the moment. Or, not. :-)

Seriously, while I am certainly always happy to have more and more students (more than happy, actually), it is getting some competent training that is important. If you're not familiar with hypnosis then take a good solid course (preferably one that either focuses on or at least includes speed hypnosis). Choose a teacher who has a solid reputation as well as competence in the sort of hypnosis you see yourself wishing to pursue.

Read as much as you can about hypnosis in general and if you are looking for street hypnosis information then get information specific to that. Sean's newsletter has many valuable insights so be sure to read it.

Join online hypnosis forums where street hypnosis is welcome. Some of the forums discourage folks from doing any sort of entertainment or recreational hypnosis so you're not going to get much helpful guidance on doing it well in those sort of forums. You might consider joining an open community group such as the Hypnosis Technique Exchange at as there are many inductions archived in the messages there and other forums such as Sean's yahoogroup for more specific information exchange.

Read anything and everything you can get your hands on. Period, no matter how experienced a hypnotist you are, never assume you know everything you need to know. Take what you read from others and then play with it in practice, creatively play with it.

If you're new to this sort of thing then find some friends to practice with. Share ideas and techniques and practice them and then make them your own. Organize supportive events where you and others who share your interest can practice all of the various skillsets involved with street hypnosis or walkabout trance . . . approaches, suggestibility, sensory enhancement, inductions, effects, emergings, and more . . . in an environment of mutual support where you can freely practice and improve. Find appropriate online support groups where information is shared and experienced guidance is offered in a supportive environment.